Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I've told this story a million times, when I first started working out I literally tore Dorian Yates(former Mr. Olympia) workout out of FLEX magazine and went to the gym. I'm not being modest when I say that I was pretty horrible. Boy workouts have changed since then. Hell, gyms have changed since then. When I was 18 ,gyms were essentially "meat markets" .Chalk, big leather weight belts, spandex, and Otomix were the norm. Now gyms are "fitness centers". All kinds of people come in. The rich ,the poor,the super fit, the not so fit, the beautiful, and the not so beautiful all workout side by side.

I'm always in search of new ways to make people miserable. It helps when you have clients willing to do it. Take Adam here. There is no better way to feel bad about yourself than to stand next to Adam. No body fat, can compete in a triathlon, can add muscle just by saying"add muscle", and can do just about anything I throw at him. Oh and by the way a beautiful wife and two amazing children. Life just isn't fair.

Anyway, after I miserable workout I had Adam perform 6 of these pikes on the swiss ball combined with a plyometric clapping depth push up. Sick!

I love core exercises and I believe more people could benifit by adding core strength into their workouts. What I have been doing lately is taking plyometric movements and combining them with stability and core work. While this might be a tad advanced(that's right I said "tad") this exercise can give you some insight as to what you may be able to accomplish. Good luck!

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