Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So summer is here, and I consistantly get asked what exercise will help you get that beach bod or boat bod. We all know how important it is to feel comfortable with a swimsuit on during summer.

First off "watch that diet" don't expect to feel or look slim and trim if you are feeding off of beer and nachos all day long. Yes, I am still do the "Engine 2 diet". No ammount of exercise can make up for the horrible things we put in our bodies. So eat in moderation. Drink in moderation.

Second, make sure you get some good cardio in there. I'm not saying you have to run 5 miles a day, but get your heart rate up for an 20 to 30 minutes at least 5to6 times a week. This can be running,swimming,biking,kickboxing. Remember to mix it up a little . Jog for a minute and sprint for a minute.

You've heard me say this a ton of times. I like circuit training. I realy feel like stringing together several exercises for a minute each to realy push you bodies muscular endurance is one of the best ways to train. Now if you come in and say"Tom I realy want to be able to bench press 2x my bodyweight" than your workouts will be different. For most people however, being fit is more about feeling good about how your body looks and how it performs.

So for your workouts , try the above circuit to push your lower body in conjunction with your upper body. You can substitute exercises, and don't forget to do all exercises for at least 1 minute. This weekend I did the following workout:

bench press with 135 for 25 reps

pullups 25 reps

bicep curls with 60lb barbell 25 reps

dips 25 reps

jumping squats 25 reps

4 times through 100 reps total per exercise. Give it a shot!

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